Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tooth Decay is Fast Becoming a Serious Problem Among Britain’s Children

It is no secret that tooth decay is a growing issue among Britain’s children. Yet the scale of the problem is often completely overlooked by parents who remain blissfully unaware of the shocking statistics.

Rotting teeth are becoming increasingly prevalent among the country’s youth to the extent that a simple filling is no longer enough. Recently released figures have shown that 500 children are hospitalized each year due to dental decay and, in some extreme instances, as many as 20 teeth have had to be removed at a time.


Last year, 500 children needed hospital treatment for decay and over 25,000 more were admitted to hospital for other types of dental treatment. Sugar is taking the fall for many health problems at the moment and it seems that these dental health issues are no exception.

Hospitalisation for such treatment in children could easily be avoided with the right focus on oral hygiene and the right diet.

Related: Tooth Decay is Fast Becoming a Serious Problem Among Britain’s Children

The number of fizzy drinks and treats consumed by youngsters is rising, as is the number of instances of hospitalization for children needing oral operations. Currently, dentists have a greater ability than ever to help patients keep their teeth in excellent condition, yet far too few parents are taking their child for checkups on a regular basis or following the advice they are then given. 

With sealants that can help protect the teeth and much other hygiene and cosmetic treatments that can look after the mouth as a whole, there is no longer any reason for children to face such serious problems.


Those parents with children facing major problems with decay are not necessarily being willfully negligent. Some parents simply do not have the information to ensure that they are making the right choices for their child. For example, many parents quite rightly decide to reducing their child’s intake of fizzy drinks. However, they all too often make the mistake of replacing them with fruit juices which also contain high levels of sugar.

With decay now the most prominent cause of non-urgent hospitalization amongst children in many parts of the country, a huge amount now needs to be done to tackle the issue. With regular check ups, the right hygiene regimen and a healthy diet, such problems can be avoided altogether, giving children not only healthier mouths, but also healthier bodies in general.

Introducing your child to the dentist early in life gives them the best chance of lifelong dental health as they are less likely to be anxious patients if they are used to visiting the surgery and having their teeth examined.

For those worried about the possibility of cavities presenting a serious long-term problem for their child, there is plenty of help to be found online. However, the best approach is likely to simply be visiting your dentist.

Author Bio: Alan Holmes is a freelance writer and blogger. He regularly writes articles about oral hygiene, using sites such as City Centre Dental Practice to stay up to date with all the latest industry news and developments.

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